Why Shias narrate from Zurarah bin Ayyan (ra)

May Allah send blessings upon Muhammad (saw) and his Pure Progeny
Dhul Hijjah 29 1438

quoting from Nasibi website gift2shias.com

Zurarah asked someone who was on his way to the Hajj (Zurarah lived in Kufa): “If you see Ja’far bin Muhammad (al-Sadiq) send him my Salam, and ask him if I am from the people of Paradise or Hell.” The narrator says: “I met Ja’far bin Muhammad (al-Sadiq) and asked him: “O son of the Messenger of Allah, do you know Zurarah bin A’yan?” He replied: “Yes, he is a wretched (Khabith) Rafidi!”
I replied: “He sends you his Salam and asks if you regard him as the people of Paradise or Hell.” He (al-Sadiq) replied: “Tell him he is of the people of Hell.” Then he (al-Sadiq) said: “Do you know how I know that he’s a Rafidi? This is because he claims I know the unseen (Ghayb), and whoever claims that anybody besides Allah knows the unseen is a kafir, and the kafir is in Hell.”
The narrator says: “When I got back to Kufa, he (Zurarah) and the people greeted me and he (Zurarah) asked: “Did you do what I asked you to do?” I (the narrator) informed him (of what al-Sadiq) said, he (Zurarah) replied: “The son of the Messenger of Allah did Taqiyyah!” [Al-Ma’rifah fi al-Tarikh by Ya’qub bin Sufyan bin Jawan al-Farsi al-Fasawi, Abu Yusuf, 277 AH]

The narrators are all reliable:
Abu Bakr Abdallah al-Humaydi, the great Imam and Shaykh of Imam al-BukhariSufyan bin ‘Uyaynah, one of the most reliable narrators of hadithIbn al-Sammak Muhammad bin Sabih al-‘Ijli, he is thiqah (trustworthy narrator)

Well, it's actually very probable considering the political climate of the time, that for the Imam (as), Taqiyya would be necessary. 
quoting from al-islam.org
Now the issue is whether or not oppression of the Imam (as) happened during his earlier days. All of what I am saying can be traced to an Al Islam. The murderous nature of the ruler of that time, Al Mansur, was well known.

Masa’ibush Shia Volume 5 Page 93
About al-Mansur’s cruel nature, Allama Abdur Rabbah reports, “When al-Mansur sat in his court, the executioners will bring row upon row of people and behead them so mush so that the blood used to flow in the court and splatter on to al-Mansur’s cloak. Al-Mansur then ordered his chaplain to preach to him. When the chaplain preached, al-Mansur used to sit with his head bowed down as if he were ashamed, but in no time another group of persons would be brought and beheaded as before.”

This was the nature of the Abbasid ruler. He would not hesitate to slaughter any of his enemies, and the Shia were definitely among his enemies. Even when the Imam (as) was teaching his students in Medina, he was treated with suspicion, was summoned by Al Mansur who had the intention of killing him, and he wasn't even allowed to travel out of Medina in some cases. That's actually when the Imam's (as) started having Wakeel's, or representatives. The oppression of the Imam occured throughout his lifetime, meaning he would have to perform Taqiyya to save himself and his students. And to be more specific on why he would have to perform taqiyya in regards to Zurarah:
More proof for Zurarah (ra) being a righteous momin can be found in his descriptions both by the 
Imams (as) and the people around him.

The Imam (as) loved Zurarah (ra)
حمدويه قال حدثني محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد ويعقوب بن يزيد عن ابن ابي عمير عن ابي العباس البقباق عني ابي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: أربعة أحب الناس إلى أحياءا وأمواتا ، بريد بن معاوية العجلي ، وزرارة بن اعين ، ومحمد بن مسلم ، وأبوجعفر الأحول ، أحب الناس إلي أحياءا وأمواتا
Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq said: ‘Four people are the most lovable to me during their lives and after their deaths. Buraid bin Mu’awyia al-Ejli, Zurara bin Ayun, Muhammad bin Muslim and Abu Jaffar al-Ahwal, they are the most lovable people to me during their lives and after their deaths.’
Graded as Sahih by Sayed al Khoei in Mu’ajam Rijal al Hadith

Rijal al Tusi Volume 1 Page 123
وروي أن زرارة كان وسيما جسيما أبيض. وكان يخرج إلى الجمعة وعلى رأسه برنس أسود، وبين عينيه سجادة، وفي يده عصا، فيقوم له الناس سماطين ينظرون اليه لحسن هيئته، فربما رجع عن طريقه، وكان خصما جدلا لا يقوم أحد -
It is narrated that Zurarah (ra) was handsome and white, and when he went out on Friday with a burnus (hooded cloak) on his head and a prostration mark between his eyes, and in his hand a stick, and people who would give him gifts just to look at him [sic] and there was no competition against him (meaning nobody was of his rank.

Zurarah (ra) was described in such high regard for a "closet christian." But even more, it's recorded in our books of rijal, if saheeh ahadith and common sense are not enough, that this exact incident was taqiyya, done for the sake of one of the true Mohibeen of the Ahlulbayt (as).

[17/172] Rijal al . Kashshi-: Hamduwayh From . B by Muhammad. Isa from Yunus from Abdallah b. Zurara AND Muhammad b. Qulawayh and al-Husayn b. al-Hasan from Sa`d from Harun b . al-Hasan b. Mahbub from Muhammad b. Abdallah b. Zurara and his [Zurara's] two sons al-Hasan and al-Husayn from Abdallah b. Zurara WHO COMPLETE by said : by Abu Abdillah peace be upon him said to me: convey my salutations of peace to your father and say to him: Verily, I only defame you as a way of defending you, for the masses and the enemy hasten to whomever we draw near and praise his station so as to cause harm to the one we love and bring close. They accuse such a one because of our love for him and his closeness and intimacy with us, and they consider causing him harm and even killing him as justified. On the other hand, they praise every one whom we fault even if his affair is not praiseworthy. Thus, I fault you because you have become notorious as a result of your association with us and your inclination towards us, which have caused you to become blamable in the eyes of the people and your works to be looked upon unfavourably, all this because of your love for us and your inclination towards us. So I wished to fault you so that   they can praise your religious stand as a result of my denigrating and diminishing you, and this becomes a way of warding off their evil from you.

As for the authenticity, you may verify here which is a collection of Ahadith by Ayatollah Asif al Mohseni (ha), one of the top scholars of hadith living today.
Wallahu 'Alim

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