A christian who met Yazid (la)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Allahumma Salli 'ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad
Rab'i al-Thani 2 1439

From where the Imams recieved the chains of narration, from Zayd bin Ali, from Muhammad bin al-Hanafiyya, from Ali bin Husayn Zaynul Abideen who said:
"When the head of Husayn came to Yazid, while there was a gathering with alcoholic drinks, and the head of Husayn was brought to Yazid, and he held it in his hands and drank over it, and one of his gatherings a messenger from the King of Rome came to him, who was among the noblest and greatest men of Rome, and he said to Yazid: "Oh Arab king, who's head is this?" And Yazid said: "The owner of this head?" The messenger said: "If I return to my king, he will ask me about everything."
So Yazid said: "This is the head of Husayn bin Ali bin Abi Talib." The messenger said: "And who is his mother?" Yazid said: "Fatimah al-Zahra." The messenger said: "Daughter of who?" Yazid said: "The daughter of Rasulullah." So the messenger said: "Shame on you and your religion! What religion is worse then your religion, did you know I am among the descendants of David, and between me and him are many fathers, yet the Christians praise me, and take the ground which I step on because I am among the descendants of David, yet you kill the son of the daughter of Rasulullah, and there is nothing between him and Rasulullah except for one mother, what religion is this?" Then the messenger said: "Yazid! Have you heard the words of the church of Hafir?" Yazid said: "Say it so I can hear." The messenger said: "Between Amman (Jordan) and China there is a sea whose travel is one year, there is no civilization except one country in the middle of the water, its length is eighty farsakh, and its width is like that, and what is on the face of the earth of this country is greater, and in it is camphor, rubies and ambergris, and its trees are agarwood, and it was in the Christian hands of one of the Kings, and in the centre of the country there were many churches, the greatest of them the Church of Hafir, in its niche of prayer there is a golden box and in it is Hafir, a donkey that Jesus would ride, and his surroundings were adorned with gold, jewels, brocades and silk, and all people in the Christian world would pursue it, and they circulate around the box and visit it and go near it, and tell Allah their needs by his blessings. This is their matter and devotion to Hafir which they claim was Hafir the donkey which Jesus their Prophet rode. And you kill the son of the daughter of your Prophet, May Allah keep his blessings away from you, and your religion!" So Yazid said to his companions: "Kill this Christian, for he will expose us if he returns to his country and will defame us, so I desire the Christian to be killed." He said: "Yazid! Do you want to kill me?" He said: "Yes." He said: "So know that I saw the other day your Prophet in my sleep, and he said to me: "Oh Christian, you are among the people of heaven," so I responded to his words until he conferred this to me, so I bear witness there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is his slave and messenger." Then he took the head (of Husayn) with him, and began to cry until he was killed.
Sunni sources:

  • Maqtal al-Husayn of al-Khawarizmi, Volume 2 Pages 80-81 
Shia sources:
  • al-Malhum ala Qatla at-Tuffuf by Sayed Ibn Tawus Pages 221-222
  • Mu'ajam al-Baldyan by Yaqut al-Hamawi

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